

Tuition is due by the end of the first week of the semester, unless other arrangements have been approved by the Registrar. For the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition fees per semester are as follows:

  • Credit (any program) per semester $999 per course

  • Audit (any course) $299 per course

Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer.

All cheque’s should be made out to Church of the Messiah with Ryle Seminary Tuition Fee in the memo line.

Online tuition fees can be sent by e-transfer to with Ryle Seminary Tuition Fee in the memo line.


We encourage students to apply for financial assistance. Space is provided on the application form to indicate your circumstances and level of need. Christian education is our mission; we try our best to assist students and to be as generous as possible.


Application fees are non-refundable. Course tuition is refundable according to the following schedule: Through the third week of the semester: 65% refund; through the sixth week of the semester: 25% refund; seventh week and later semester: 0% refund.